Avraveda is an interwoven spectrum of the healing components founder Sophia Avramides has utilized to expose more and more health, vitality, and truth in her daily life. She healed psoriasis after a 20+ year journey of struggling with the chronic skin condition through commitment to herbalism, dietary shifts, and deep changes in her mindset and lifestyle. Sophia works on the betterment of her mental, emotional and physical health through devotion to living a well-deserved life, and calls in a higher frequency to benefit herself and the lives of those around her.
THE SPIRAL: Sophia’s work is informed by her ancestral Hellenic background and first-generation Greek upbringing. She is deeply immersed in the path of the alchemist, and has dove deep into astrological herbalism studies - the pairing of planets with their herbal correspondances - which is said to originate from her ancestral lands in the Mediterranean region and S.W.A.N.A region.
Sophia weaves together her degree in health psychology and Ayurvedic Health Counselor training with her intuitive practices with bioregional plants. She taps into the sacred and profound lessons she has learned with entheogenic teachers to create from a heart based place. Sophia’s deep connection to community inspires her to create offerings that meet the individual exactly where they are, ready to learn, grow, expand in genuine and authentic ways.
She believes in creating eudaimonia {happiness + well-being} and finding gnosis {knowledge of self}. She is connected to the path of the visionary, enchanted and alive.
“Avra” is from the last name, meaning ocean breeze - “Veda”, meaning study, or science, or knowledge, comes from the brilliance of Sanskrit and in reverence from the sages, rishis and yogis sharing their knowledge from India to the USA.
THE PRACTICE: Sophia is the founder of Avraveda Apothecary, and has been creating highly-revered micro-batch, and seasonally oriented herbal remedies for many years - starting with herself and her loved ones and expanding outwards across the U.S.
Sophia has led 200+ hours of workshops on self-study, Ayurvedic philosophy, self-care practices, and intuitive plant medicine practices. Sophia has co-facilitated multiple international retreats - offering her teachings in colorful cultural landscapes and places. (to join on the next excursions - see ‘Upcoming Events’ )
CREDENTIALS: Sophia is a certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor. She studied at Kripalu School of Ayurveda in 2014, and has continued her studies onward. Sophia has had various subtle energy attunements, is Reiki II certified, and utilizes energy in her healing and herbal work. She holds a B.S. degree in Health Psychology from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
To get to know Sophia better, check out her podcast interviews on:
Plant Love Radio
Seeds of Awakening Podcast
Co-Creative Center Podcast